In 1996, as Japan Foundation fellow, I was proposing the Benshi, as metaphor for “interactive narrative”: a person next to a screen telling a story of what is happening on the screen, or may. This storyteller becomes the interface, adapting tempo and drama in resonance with the audience expectations.
In 2007, after number of high-tech installations in mixed and augmented reality, I launched PechaKucha Brussels, which can also be labelled as a low-tech interactive narrative, à la Benshi, of the early 1900′s in Tokyo and around. We have again someone standing next to a screen and sharing a story.
I began the journey looking at Benshi in Kigeki No Hoshi in 1996, as Japan Foundation fellow, and continue these nowadays, a.o. with what I call Transintermediation.
In 2014, we worked on TempoBenshi, at La Bellone, combining silent movies, live music and theater performance.