January 16th 2009 speakers
The line-up is published and includes co-founders of Pecha Kucha Berlin and Italia. Duval Guillaume co-founder, and many more via http://pechakucha.architempo.net
The line-up is published and includes co-founders of Pecha Kucha Berlin and Italia. Duval Guillaume co-founder, and many more via http://pechakucha.architempo.net
Pecha Kucha Brussels Vol. 06 will take place at Ancienne Belgique on January 16th, 2009. Registration is open. Only 250 places allowed by the venue. Be fast. Registration via http://pechakucha.architempo.net
The Vol. 06 is planned for January 16th, 2009. Exception to the rule “20th of the month” ! More info soon about location and speakers.
Congrats to Pecha Kucha Rotterdam who had on 26th of Nov. its 20th Vol. ! Follow on http://www.pechakucha.nl
Coming back in full force on Sept. 20th at 20:20, a.o. as part of the Design September programme ! Stay tuned, Alok NANDI
Idiz Bogam was at Pecha Kucha Brussels and here is the video on line on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0L2t4LC_IU
The list of speakers for May 20th, 2008 is on line. Diversity, interdisciplinarity. Spread the word, share the world. It is time for {creativity*conversation}
Pecha Kucha Tokyo is having its 5Oth session, this 26th March !
Pecha Kucha Brussels Vol. 03 attracted a wide audience, as the previous ones. To get a feel, here is a set on flickr by ecocode: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ecocode/tags/pechakuchabrussels/ Another set by Alex at http://www.flickr.com/search/?q=pechakuchabrussels3 JF Declercq has a protfolio on line, taken …
Radio FM Brussels ran a piece Saturday on Pecha Kucha Brussels, prepared by Helena Cordasev. Check www.fmbrussel.be