
Expectation of the audience is always high for stories. No self-promotional pitch. Passion in storytelling. It is your show & tell session.

Allow me to raise some points.

1. All images will be managed by one computer only and images will automatically “autoslide” every 20 seconds.

2. Images should have an impact. I strongly recommend to go beyond the banal powerpoint format with bullet points. In fact, you should avoid this bullet points approach. Remember, PechaKucha was born to AVOID powerpoint and bullet points. Stories and storytellers, not bullet point readers. Take 20 images, photos, compositions, typo-photo montages, … which are narrative. People are expecting a “show&tell” session.

3. We need your images early to see how they fit (and may be feedback so that you come with punchy images), to put them in computer and test, to set the order of speakers.

4. We insist on having 20 images jpegs or png formats.

  • 1920 (horizontal) x 1080 (vertical) pixels – recommended
  • RGB mode 72 dpi
  • Images numbered as per YourNAME_01.jpeg, YourNAME_02.jpeg, YourNAME_03.jpeg, … YourNAME_20.jpeg (or all .png format)

For any problem, do contact us via the section and we will look into best approaches. Give time to time to prepare 😉

5. We have to manage about a dozen of presentations – it is hence important that all is pre-tested. A back-up computer will need to be prepared. This requires time for the tech team. The 20 images will be compressed in a ZIPped folder and the speaker will upload this zip via a service like // No attachment sent per mail.

6. For things to run smoothly, do rehearse. For perspective on previous speakers, the list is at – We had more than 1000 speakers to-date.

For any question, comment, … let’s talk per e-mail.

Best regards,


To have some extra perspective, here is an excerpt of the GUIDE TO BETTER PECHA KUCHA :

Choose a theme

Portfolio pieces are standard, but by no means required. Some of the most crowd-pleasing presentations I’ve seen have been about what the presenter does outside the studio. Photos of clouds, deconstructions of human love, honeymoon pictures; if you can tell it in a compelling way, you can tell it at Pecha Kucha.

Tell a story

Even a strict portfolio presentation benefits from an over-arching narrative to pull the work together. Don’t just describe what’s on the screen, reveal your thought process, your mistakes and your epiphanies. The audience may just begin to care about you and your work.

Take your time

Crafting a presentation takes time. Dumping 20 images into PPT/Keynote won’t cut it. You must decide on a theme, gather material, work out your script, and adjust rhythm and pace, and all this takes time. Count on at least 6 hours of preparation spread over a few days.


Completing the slides doesn’t mean you are ready to present them. Even twenty seconds can feel endless for you and the audience if you don’t know the material. Rehearse until you feel a rhythm taking over and the initial stiffness melt away.

  • Recruit a guinea pig audience. A friend is good, a stranger is even better.
  • Stand up.
  • Pay attention to your body language and the tone of your voice. Do you look slouchy, stiff, bored ?
  • Try to imagine yourself in the audience. Would you enjoy the presentation? If not, trim, tweak, project, whatever it takes to get you excited about your own work.