
The list of speakers for Pecha Kucha Night Brussels Vol. 10 were:

_ gRig – the Guild for Reality Integrators & Generators
_ Bud Blumenthal, dancersproject
_ Frank Boermeester, The Fifth Conference
_ Stephan de Brabandere & Paolo Pelizzari, Extrattitude, The attitude of people who change the world for a cause
_ Gijs ten Cate, dropstuff.nl
_ Valérie Cordy, metteure en scène, SpamDigest
_ Bernard Deprez & Sebastian Moreno-Vacca, PMP, LaCambre, Be.passive
_ Christophe Emma, café numérique at Mirano
_ Serge de Gheldere, sustainable design engineer, Al Gore “climate ambassador”
_ Margarida Guia & Sylvie Mélis, poésie, sons, lumières, scratch, …
_ Walter Hus, composer, musician
_ Gerhard Jaeger, ART basics, www.abc-web.be
_ Bernard Lahousse, Sense for Taste, foodpairing
_ Caroline Nevejan, Presence / Trust, Amsterdam
_ Marc Noppen, CEO UZ VUB Brussel, Univ. Hospital
_ Antoine Perdaens, real-time media / the state of NOW
_ Pieter Vermeersch & Kurt Van Belleghem – artist & curator


Pecha Kucha Brussels Vol.09
took place on 19th Sept. 2009 at Recyclart at 20:20 and speakers were:

_ Alain Berteau, architect-designer
_ Lise Coirier, Lipstick Stories
_ Bram Crevits, Cimatics Festival
_ Christophe Dessouroux, Mister Emma – ArchiUrbain
_ Christina Franken, conceptual designer on “stressed but creative”, London
_ Magnus Jonsson, creative advisor, Interactive Institute: Reflection(s) and Technology
_ Laurent Ledoux, post-capitalism and co.
_ Carmela Locantore, comedian, photographs in Morocco
_ Ramia Mazé, senior researcher, Interactive Institute: Design for Debate, Sweden
_ David Natan, Recyclart – Fabrik
_ Bas Smets, architect
_ Frank Theys, artist
_ St-Luc students – “Emergence(s)” exhibition

Pecha Kucha Brussels Vol.08
took place on 14th May 2009 at Claridge at 20:20 and speakers were:
_ Isabel Biver – Brussels disappearing cinema venues
_ Eric Boschman – cuisine stories
_ Philippe Claeys – Earth Sciences VUB
_ Axel Cleeremans – neuro-psychology, ULB – Consciousness, Cognition & Computation
_ Benoît Drouillat, Dominique Playoust – Pecha Kucha Paris and Designers Interactifs
_ Victor Levy – architect, photographer
_ Joëlle Liberman – Egerie Research, trends and qualitative research
_ Dimitri Minten – a20 architects
_ Pierre Portevin – C-Bridge, collective intelligence
_ Geoffroy Simon – getyoo, RFID and social networking
_ Eric Tirlo – Kin-Ball sport
_ Isabelle Wéry – comédienne
_ Théâtre de la Vie – slam stories
PKN 08 took place at Claridge, as an event listed in the 2009 European Year of Creativity and Innovation.

Pecha Kucha Brussels Vol.07
took place on 20th March 2009 at bip at 20:20 and speakers were:
_ Laurent d’Ursel, artiste, “Bruxelles, Ville des Mots”
_ Jan Belgrado – the Kawaisation of European public services
_ Louis de Cordier, artist
_ Didjeko – poetry, slam, Coupé-Décalé
_ Peter Goethals – Applied Ecology, Univ. Ghent
_ Joël Larouche, Chloé De Wolf – Marvayus, architects, Air the future
_ pgav – Photo Gallery, Thomas Delvaux, Barbara Gheude
_ Jan Ritsema – No illusion, kids project
_ Ann Van de Vyvere, Irma Firma, DJ, visual artist
_ Stefan van Diest – eco-strategic planning
_ Maya Van Leemput, agence future
_ Bartaku (Bart Vandeput) – PhoEf, Photons – FoAM
_ Franky Verdickt – photographer

Pecha Kucha Brussels Vol.06
took place on 16th Jan. at Ancienne Belgique / AB Club at 20:20 and speakers were:
_ JLouis Again, photographer a.o., Brussels
_ Guy Bindels, Gonzo Circus, Beursschouwburg
_ Stoffel Debuysere, DiagonalThoughts
_ Edward Hasbrouck, Nomadic travel guides and tips, USA
_ Verena Hafner, Flying Robots, Berlin
_ Erik Josefsson, Privacy open source advocate, European Parliament candidate
_ Maja Kuzmanovic, Luminous Green, FoAM
_ Tim Pritlove, Chaos Computer Club, Berlin
_ Joachim Stein, Pecha Kucha Berlin
_ Jan Steyaert, VUB-3D modelling, biotech, patents
_ Anna Termite, Pecha Kucha Italia, PKN.it
_ Guillaume Van der Stighelen, co-founder Duval Guillaume
_ Angelo Vermeulen, artist/biologist/author
_ Marc Rotenberg, epic.org